About BAPAC:
The Barnes Aquifer Protection Advisory Committee (BAPAC) is a coalition of 4 Massachusetts communities — Easthampton, Holyoke, Southampton and Westfield and the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission. Committee members work together to protect the aquifer, an important regional groundwater resource. BAPAC addresses water quality issues, and educates and advises local governments, citizen groups, and small businesses about groundwater protection and effects on the aquifer. The committee also reviews "Developments of Regional Impact" within the aquifer and provides comments to approval authorities. Click here for more about BAPAC
About the Barnes Aquifer:
The Barnes Aquifer is held within sand and gravel deposits that were layed down approximately 15,000 years ago by a retreating continental glacier. The aquifer supplies water to 4 municipalities within the Connecticut River Valley, including the cities of Easthampton, Holyoke, and Westfield, as well as the Town of Southampton. Currently 11 active municipal wells and the 108 unit Hendrick Street well field supply 1.2 billion gallons of water per year to 60,000 people in these communities. Click here for more about the aquifer.
Best Tasting Drinking Water in the Nation
The Barnes Aquifer yields such great drinking water, local communities have twice captured the gold medal for best tasting water in the United States. In 2015, Easthampton took home the gold and Southampton received this same honor in 2008.
Click here MassLive article on Easthampton award (pdf)
Click here for brochure on best practices for protecting our water supply through the seasons (pdf)